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Jackson's Staff Application


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  • Retired Founder

RP name: 501st SRMEDL ERTCO MAJ Kix

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85475704

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Timezone: Mountain Standard time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to join the staff team because I have a desire to help this server grow and thrive by helping as many other community members in game that I can. I want to be able to solve other peoples problems whether it be a whitelist or a question about how the server works, I want to this community to feel like what ever problems they may have we can tend to it with ease. I have become very active ever since synergy has launched and I fully intend to help it continue its growth even as a non-staff I am trying to make the community better by helping my fellow members out. As staff I will be able to do a lot more to help people on synergy with whatever I am required to do, I am excited at the thought of being able to help with whatever I can in this community whenever I can. Ever since Joah talked about what this server was going to be about and seeing all the high ranking staff working so hard for this server since day 1 I was inspired by what they did and what they continue to do, which is why I so badly wish to be staff so that I can help ease the load of work that this community will require to maintain. If I do get staff I will work as hard as I can day 1 of acceptance to help this community become the greatest server of all gmod servers by working myself everyday and every night as hard as I can to build this community into what we all want to see it become.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a MAJ in the 501st as Kix in torrent company, I help manage as the medical leader of the 501st and as an intel member where I ensure all of our documents are in check. I was a member of icefuse before synergy started and I worked hard every day to help rebuild the battalion from the hard times they were experiencing with minging. I have almost 400 hours in gmod SWRP between synergy and icefuse, as a result I have experience in many role playing aspects and while I have never been a staff member before, I am extremely excited for a chance to become one on synergy and help with whatever task I am assigned. From what I have seen the founders do and create for this server and allowing the community to have a real voice in what happens in this server I have become a very loyal member of this community and have shifted most of my time to playing on synergy and helping build the community up, being staff is something I want so badly because it would make helping the server far easier and would allow me to do so much more. I hope the experience I do have with RP and this community will help in a transition to staff should I get the position.

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  • Coordinator

+1 I can verify that he does help out with our docs and is a great med lead and that i have not seen nor gotten reports of him minging 

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