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Joseph's Staff Application,


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RP Name:TR 187th ENG LT Joseph

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:97189627



Timezone:Central Standard time, USA

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I feel like in these few days of grown a new love that was starting to go away on icefuse, I no longer feel bored during down time, I have more fun, The last few events have been great, I have been staff on a LOT of servers and this is one of the best communitys i have been in,  As  Staff i would try and answer all calls for CC and train them well, As well as taking care of Minges, I want to be apart of this community for a while and dedicate some hours to making it better, After only a week on this server i feel its much better then previous CWRP i have played on (I have played a lot), Also i may give some of them trouble and say i want to leave but PURPLE PRIDE !

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like playing games and sports, Basketball Football, Whatever i'll play it, I have almost 80 games in my steam account (STEAM SALES) and i play other games then GMOD, Like Insurgency, CSGO , and  Day of defeat,i like playing games and have since i was 5, Some people like watching TV or music, I like games, I try to me Mature at all times and not minge like the other people in the communtiy of GMOD, I feel i can be a leader and hope to lead a battalion in the future, If this is all a jumble of stuff I tried to think of things, Also i love Dogs, and hate cats, (Not that anyone cares lol)

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+1 I'm not sure what fido is saying is true or not.  But Joseph defiantly acts mature, and has never minged on Either of the servers I've played with him on.  He's great at RP, and knows how to handle troopers. I would imagine he would help this community grow, and continue to make this server enjoyable to other players.

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