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Banzai's staff application


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RP Name: 187th CPL Banzai

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120869907

Age: 14

Gender: male

Timezone: central standard time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be a administrator as I want to help out the community as much as I can and think that I have the skills to do so. I have been staff on drillion Starwarsrp but it closed down I also was a staff on a jail break server called united gamers. I have read over the motd and know all the rules and there punishments and will always keep updated on any changes made. I believe that I can deal with people in a respectful matter and I don't hold grudges. I know I may not have as much experience as others but you have to start somewhere and I am eager to learn along the way. This is why I would like to be staff on the server and I hope you agree.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): my name is Kale and I am currently going into my first year of high school. I enjoy playing gmod a little to much as I have over 1000 hours played on starwarsrp alone. my other hobbies include quading, biking and lacrosse. I make my money through yard work and BMX contests.

  • Agree 1

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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11 hours ago, Faoeoa said:

+1 not a terrible app, personal things i'd recommend is get yourself in the trainer program

I tried but I'm not the right rank yet, but once I get promoted I am going to become a trainer.

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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