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SmallJeff's Staff Application

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Synergy Roleplay Application Guidelines

1. Must not have any previous offenses

2. Must be an active and well sought out community member

3. Must be active on both the forums and server

4. Must be respectable and mature


If you are found to be all but one of these your application may be denied and/or your current duties will be terminated.


In order to apply to the application process you must use this form when filling out your application:


RP Name: 187th HVYO SGM SmallJeff/187th Jedi Padawan SmallJeff

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:118322948




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I love the community and wish to help out with things on the server. I have asked staff members what is like to be a staff member they said it is good so I want to become again.For how active I am right now I thought it would be a good idea to become staff again.All I want to do is help the server grow and get more active with everyone on the server if I become staff. I remembered how much I love staff and now that we have a actual good server to play on.I love helping people out on Star Wars servers.I believe this server can become a lot better with more staff that means staff tickets go faster the players get what they need done faster.On the server I will not say I had a lot of people tell me I should go for staff so I did but when I heard of this server going out I took it down and I want to continue on this server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I was staff on a couple of small servers loved my time on them and now i want to help out here.Love to help people who need it I may be young but i know what I am doing.I am active most of the day Monday- Sunday but as soon school starts back up again I will be active for about 6 hours.Huge fan of star wars love most of the people on the server.There are a lot of great people on the server I when I used to become staff all I wanted to do was make the community better. 

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