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Salxas's Staff application


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RP Name: TR Dooms Unit QM ENGL WO Salxas

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157524408

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST Florida

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to become a administrator because I have been on the server for a while now  and know a bit of people on the server. If I was a admin then I would be able to help others like if there stuck in the elavator or just genaral stuff like stuck in a wall or something. I can use admin for CC training. Say if someone is RDMing/MassRDM, FRPing, and Minging I would tp to them and ask them why they did that and why then i would, like kick them for ban them. Say if someone needs help with a event then I can help them out by deleting something or spawning NPCs, something along the lines. I can help out with anything that someone needs like a ban, whitelist, blacklist, deleting props, coloring, and stuck in a wall/roof. I could see myself being a helpful admin on the server. This is why I want to be a admin on the best starwars RP server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a 5th grader in elementary school and in like a mouth I will be in summer break and after that I'm off to middle school. After school I come home and do what I need to do before I can get on my computer and play gmod. I love to game and make videos and I like being involved in stuff like helping with a problem and stuff like that. Like I kinda said before I have a Youtube channel. On my Youtube channel I like to make videos like Roblox and Minecraft videos. I plan on make videos on SynergyRP that Should help the server grow.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No on other games yes but in gmod no i have not.

Edited by salxas123
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  • Founder

Congratulations you have passed the interview process!

Welcome to the staff team.

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