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Soul's Staff Application to greatness


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RP Name: TR 2ndAC JT IT CSM Soul

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:53878237



Timezone:Eastern Timezone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  

     I want to be an administrator because I want to play a bigger role on this server. I have waited for this forum to come up and I jumped on the first chance I had. I was born ready for this position, and I am ready to throw myself into this kind of position. I would work my butt off and strive to be the best. The only thing I need is a chance, a chance at greatness. 

     There are qualities about me that separate me from the rest. Some people might have some or maybe a couple of these qualities but with all of them together, you end up finding the perfect guy for the job. I'm hardworking, dedicated, driven, inspired, and most important of all, matured. These qualities mixed together makes the perfect staff member. I eventually want to be fully involved with the server but I understand I must start from the bottom and work my way up. 

     There is a quality that I left out that I wanted to bring up in its own position because I feel as though this is one of the bigger qualities that you should look at. Being at the age of 21, I do have a full time job and I was doing part time college. Why would you bring this up you ask? Well I'll tell you why, I have real-world experience with people and how to treat other people in almost all scenarios. I have worked with experienced men and women and I have gained knowledge that others might not have. This is a big reason why I am not like the rest.

     The reason why I brought up college is because that shows that I can deal with workloads and be able to schedule accordingly. I juggled going to work, the gym, and college. I handled it all very well and when I put my mind to something I get it done, that's what I do, I strive for greatness, I drive myself forward towards excellence and when I put myself to a project or job, you can guarantee I am going to try and be the very best at what I'm doing.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

     I'll try to keep this section short since I had a lot of things to say in the last section.. Something's that I haven't said about myself is that I love video games. I have been ever since I was young. Winning is what drives me to try every video game and be successful at them. It makes me better as a whole seeing that hard work does pay off. If I set my mind to something I can achieve what I set my goals to.

     A big thing that you should know is that I am very comletitive. Everything I do is a competition to me, and losing sucks so I don't lose often and if I do, I practice and practice to make sure it doesn't happen again. An example of this, that isn't directly related to that statement but is directly related to SWRP, is CC training. I have trained 20 recruits in the past 3 days, and I made a challenge for myself to be able to train recruits without looking at the wall once and keeping eye contact them whole time, needless to say, I can train recruits now without looking (XD I know I'm pathetic).  

     Another example of this is Competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I was very new to the game way back when I started, can't really recall the date. What I can tell you is that at the start of it, I had a decent amount of FPS experience. I played all of the COD's on the Xbox, where I almost went pro but I was too young and my mom didn't think I had a future in video games. So CS:GO was my first PC shooter I had. After my first ten placement games, I had gotten myself all the way up to Gold Nova one. After that it was a hard fight all the way to LEM. After I hit LEM, I had tried to join a team but that was when I graduated high school, and I was starting my new job and was starting college soon so I didn't follow that dream either. This experience wasn't a wasted one though, I learned a lot though it. I learned how to dedicate myself to something, how to deal with other teenage memers, and how to lead a team. I had the experience of leading other people and I could tell that this was the position that I was intended for. I lived by my choices and took responsibility for all of them 100% even if failure was involved. Failure wasn't a setback though, it was only a learning obstacle

     Thank you for taking the time to look at my staff application and I hope to hear back!

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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why cant you edit I meant to say I THOUGHT I did a good job, wait why can I edit this one and not the other?

7 minutes ago, Wonker said:

+1 I just finished my app and though I did a good job then scroll down to see this holy shit promote this man, also hes very good within the 212th and would make a good addition to staff.


Edited by Wonker
Im so confused with this system
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1 hour ago, Wonker said:

why cant you edit I meant to say I THOUGHT I did a good job, wait why can I edit this one and not the other?


I do not know I didn't develop the website:) but thank you for the feedback:)

Edited by Soul
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 Congrats you have been accepted for the interview process. You have until a week from now(8/7/17) to contact an overseer or head-administrator. Failure to make contact with one will result in the denial of your application.

Good luck little duckling, hope to see you on the staff team <3

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