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ASVO's Staff Application


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Synergy Roleplay Application Guidelines

1. Must not have any previous offenses

2. Must be an active and well sought out community member

3. Must be active on both the forums and server

4. Must be respectable and mature


If you are found to be all but one of these your application may be denied and/or your current duties will be terminated.


In order to apply to the application process you must use this form when filling out your application:


RP Name: TR 187th ARCL Commander ASVO

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187804446

Age: 16 years

Gender: Male

Timezone: I am in the Central standard time zone.

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I Want to be an Administrator because I like to help out with whitelisting, and I've always been interested in it. I want to be able to help our new community because I believe that we have a great community already going where everyone's opinion is heard and acted upon. I believe that I can truly help the community by building dupes eventually. Getting the new CC’s through quickly by whitelisting them right when i see the ticket so that they have a very good “First Impression” on our server. So we can have new active people always coming into the server. Really truly we can build on our already great community by having good staff that will assist our new players I want to be that “good staff” so we can help the community grow and branch out. This is something that i am very passionate about and would love to be Synergy's newest add on to the staff team. 1 more thing I would like to say about why I want to be staff, the big reason i want to be staff is so we can grow the community and make our players happy, having a good time on the server which includes having there whitelisting, training, Dupes, LAAT’s and speeders all spawned and done, quickly and the correct way.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

First things first I am very active in the community. I switched over from Icefuse when everything happened. As most here did. I love Star Wars a lot that is one thing people can figure out quickly I know a lot of lore about clone wars. I was active with over 500 hours on icefuse networks. Obviously I left because I didn't feel like the executives cared about their community i feel like all there players are just piggy banks to them so I left then was banned for stating my opinion and giving some people the Synergy Teamspeak. So that happened I know a lot of the Community and love our Synergy Community very much as well. So now I'm dedicated to making this server what Icefuse could not be. Thanks for considering my app everyone.


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1 hour ago, Dolphin said:

-1 Im sorry, I would +1 but I cant trust a guy that has admitted to using aim bot.

It was a Joke not asking for you too reverse it but it was a joke if I did trust me I would be much better at PVP. lol :)

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 Congrats you have been accepted for the interview process. You have until a week from now(8/7/17) to contact an overseer or head-administrator. Failure to make contact with one will result in the denial of your application.

Good luck little duckling, hope to see you on the staff team <3

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