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A solution to the Senate Commando situation


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Name: TR 212th GC ARC WO Longshot / Spec 

Suggestion: Don't remove senate commandos, find a solution to Senator activity. Here is my suggestion and what i think we should do, I think we should create some sort of logging system or have staff record when the senators are on. Some senators at the moment have other positions that they need to take care of that are high command and don't get on their senator often. Why should they have a senator if they don't get on it? I am not trying to be disrespectful but I know people who would give up their clone just to be a full time senator. Senate Commandos will survive if they actually had senators to work with. My point here is monitor or have them log there activity weekly, make sure that our senators are active so the senate commandos have a purpose. Don't just remove senate commandos right away because of the senators activity. I understand real life stuff comes up and senators can't be always on so they go on loa, but at this point here are only 1-2 actually active senators. Thanks for taking the time to read this, please don't respond to this arguing your side, just make valid points that we can talk about without being toxic or rude. (edit: Another point to bring up about CG and SC being the same thing, and how CG just can do a SC's job, that not that true if you want to stick to lore and role play. With senate commandos on we have so much more role play potential with events than having just CG) 


Implementation: Make a logging system for the senators making sure they are actually active giving the senate commandos a purpose. 



Edited by Spec
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8 hours ago, Carter said:

Honestly, people that have senators need to pick up their activity, This goes for all named characters.

Named characters should always be around the ship, not a rare occurrence.

Thats the point im trying to make. There inactivity is making senate commandos look bad. 

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-1 still feel they would be better as an event job, rather than a class. Senators only job is foggy and until we restructure senators and Core says his word. They shouldn't have any authority over anyone, but Senators period. SC is still extremely useless and SC are budget CG. I feel, I got a nice solution ; MOVE THEM TO EVENT JOBS. That way they can be their when the senators are on and also be active when senators are here for some good Ol' passive rp. Solution Solved CALL ME JESUS

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Ehh still could be better as Event jobs lol. I mean their are only a few senator spots because their are only a few senators. I don't see any logical 24/7 presence for them other than when senators are on and like I said they are never on. There really isn't much room for them right now honestly guys 

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I'd like to tell the people who want to be a Senator 24/7 that it's not what it cuts to be and gets to be extremely lackluster in the roleplay aspect.


Game masters are all about shoot-em-ups, I never get to be a diplomat.

Either or, logging is silly and I'm not just saying that because I don't want to do it, but it's seriously unnecessary. Senators will still be taking LOAs regardless of a system.


Safe to say -1. And don't take it personally, and don't worry; I've taken the liberty to contact Core about this topic and we'll be getting around to discuss it eventually.



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3 hours ago, Bbstine said:

I'd like to tell the people who want to be a Senator 24/7 that it's not what it cuts to be and gets to be extremely lackluster in the roleplay aspect.


Game masters are all about shoot-em-ups, I never get to be a diplomat.

Either or, logging is silly and I'm not just saying that because I don't want to do it, but it's seriously unnecessary. Senators will still be taking LOAs regardless of a system.


Safe to say -1. And don't take it personally, and don't worry; I've taken the liberty to contact Core about this topic and we'll be getting around to discuss it eventually.

I agree with the role play part and the Game masters. If you were in the staff meeting you would of heard that game masters are now starting to have actual role play instead of shoot em up events, which would lead to more RP with the senators and senate commandos. This forum post was to just try to keep senate commandos a think not to call out the senators, my apologizes if it looked like that. 

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