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NPC Trooper Gaurds


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So basically the idea is to have friendly NPC Troopers marching around the ship with DC-15A But only  A Few So Maybe Have 2 on the bunks circuit 2 going up and down MHB and maybe 1 on each hanger bay-brig-4th ect

and basically these NpC would be friendly and would only  shoot droids if seen on their patrol

there health i would say have invincible but have a lower damage weapon, the reasons for this is obvious, so they don't have to be reset an so minges cant kill them

Implementation: to have npc troops patrol the ship

Lore:there would be a lot more people aboard a republic venator and therefor it would show that





Edited by Arctican
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-1   really?  how about you go patrol the ship. I mean when I'm on I try to get my men to do it. even have a doc to help them how to learn great ways to patrol. not dissing you.  just think its kinda an obvious no.  im here to play    not have some fake ass NPC do the job me, you an the rest of the server can do.   oh an to what @Esitt said. i swear if im walking down the hall and i see a troop and im like "hey whats up" and realize its a NPC    im killing something.  LOL 

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-1, useless idea, I mean we have CG? We have plenty of other battalions "patrolling" daily, you can roleplay with anyone of these people that are patrolling! NPC's would clutter the ship and would probably just be killed during an event, it would be a hassle at best, create your own roleplay and scenes like this. This wouldn't benefit the server in anyway and it probably wouldn't even look that good.

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