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Pransar's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 41st MED QM JT SFC Pransar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:116596471



Timezone: +1 (Europe,  Belgium)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I want to provide the needed help to the once that need it ASAP and keep it to the serious side, but also to keep the server going and 
not getting over roll by people who dont follow the instructions or Failrp so we have a friendly environment.
But i want to be a staff member to host fun events or help on events out to make it smoother for the rest that their is more help provided.
Im online every single day so I can provide the needed help every single day for a long time.
I am very seriously and I'll make sure nothing bad happens on this server. I think I can be a valuable asset to this community if I become staff.
For the time being on the server i have helped several times on event jobs and also just other people, but for the main reason I want to be more involved with all what is going on.
I fell inlove with the server because the community thrives on companionship and thats what i was looking for and i hope by being a staff member i hope to make sure this stays that way.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

So my name is Maury in real life and am highschool student studying multimedia design and that means I need to be creative and have responsability with all whats going on with clients and a companies.
I was a PS4 player but lost the love to gaming on that type of console so I bought my first real gaming computer from ASUS and I dont regret it for a second because the moment I bought gmod and found this
amazing community. Beside on the server i workout in the fitness and go out with friends when I can in my spare time.

Do you have any previous staff experience?
I was an admin for a server for a while but that server got shutdown, because nobody came anymore since the youtubers didn't come online anymore and got less popular
so the server got shutdown, but I managed to do a good job over their and gave everyone the right attention they needed and did what was right for their staff and followers.
The server I was an admin at was Crewniverse - mine

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi

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Contact and Overseer or head admin for your interview! 


You have 1 week to get your interview done (3/25/18 is your final day to contact someone) Failure to do so will result in an automatic denial of your application


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