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Black's Return :D


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Roleplay Name: TR 501st TC HWSL Major Redeye TR TC Jedi Knight C Black

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121514277

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Timezone: GMT +1 UTC +1

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator?:  

  • To help with different situations (minges, rdmers etc.)
  • To help keep this community good and friendly to everyone.
  • To help in SIMs (there isn't alot of staff that want to do this).
  • To administrate on Eastern Timezone, there is like only 20 staff members? maybe 15 idk.
  • To help server grow up without minges and others.
  • I am already Zim's tester and being staff can help me during tests.
  • I have experience, i was staff on Synergy Roleplay before.

Tell us a little about yourself:

  • My name is Richard
  • I am from Poland, Warsaw
  • I am 14
  • I am working as Volounteer.
  • I love Star Wars since i am kid, i guess i was 4? or 5.
  • I know 3 languages: Polish English and i am learning German all the time.
  • I love camps. During Holiday i am going for camps to Different Countrys. Year ago i was in Spain and this year i am going to Greece.
  • I am playing on Star Wars Roleplay Servers for around year now. I started on icefuse where i was running as 101st for around 2 months and then i moved to synergy RP.
  • I like doing models to gmod, but they aren't good. i am learning still...
  • I really like music and signing.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes i do:

  • I was Head Administrator on Minecraft server for 1 year. 
  • I was staff on Minecraft servers for 2 years.
  • I was staff member on Synergy Roleplay (not sure how long but i joined together with Overseer Esitt)
  • I was Game Master on Synergy Roleplay ( that was fun)

Torrent Company 2005 Redeye | Black singing off. Thanks for reading. hope you enjoyed :D

  • Agree 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Good Things About This Application:

* 100% Mature

* Has a good amount of experience

*He is a former. 
* Active 
* Best man for the job! 

Good Luck Black!
- BCMD Cody 

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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6 minutes ago, CBlake said:


Good Things About This Application:

* 100% Mature

* Has a good amount of experience

*He is a former. 
* Active 
* Best man for the job! 

Good Luck Black!
- BCMD Cody 

Did totally not take my idea :(



Jk still luv u <3

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