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Fours | Introducing X1 and X2 (Part 1)


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Name: Fours | Fixer

Who helped (If applicable): Egert, Stix, wicked, Alec.

Event Name: Introducing X1 and X2

Summary of the story: X1 and X2 (clones of Jedi Knight Falon Grey)'s platoon's Acclamator stopped by Coruscant to re-fuel. The two brothers flew their ARC 170's to the orbiting Venator followed by some of the platoon troopers in a LAAT.

As they were aboard, some droid munificents decided to show their faces in a suprise attack. The clones, X1, X2 and their platoon were forced to combat the situation and push the CIS back to where they came from. 

What was the result of the event?: The droids were forced back, X1 and X2, and their platoon went back to their Acclamator and flew to Dantooine, where their Jedi Master awaited them.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

For those who do not know X1 and X2;
There are also some leaked scenes of the Battlefront III cancelled game on youtube. To get to know them better.

Edited by Fours
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