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Zyner's After LOA Droid Package


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Who helped (If applicable):

Square, Buzz, Jinks, Scribbles

Event Name:

After LOA Droid Package

Summary of the story:

Plo Koon returned from a long mission and ironically at the same time the Republic dispatched a new set of droids for our Venator to use on-ship. Curiously, Plo Koon was missing the entire time the droids were on board... Hmm...

What was the result of the event?:

Droids were given out to Battalions to do whatever the wished with them. A few were scrapped while others lived long lives with their newfound owners. Others had their lives cut short as were scanned to be possible hostiles and/or were scrapped.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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