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Zyner's Civilian Aid


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Who helped (If applicable):

BCNS, Scribbles, Deadly, Buzz

Event Name:

Military Aid

Summary of the story:

The Republic contacted the Venator about an incoming vessel carrying personnel from a planet that did not have many Republic troops on it. The planet did not require immediate assistance but in an effort to put this civilization in a better spot they have picked up a few persons and taken them to our Venator for us to teach them some of our ways; such as Engineering, Medical, Piloting, etc.

What was the result of the event?:

Some of the Civilians were taken by clones and trained them in what they came to learn. Some others, particularly the research droid, were hassled by some of the troops for wandering around the ship although they were escorted. During the visit, the ship seemed to be attacked by something that sneaked into the ship, killing a few clones and deploying explosives so the Civilians were escorted to the brig for safety. After all the commotion was handled, the Civilians were escorted off the ship but the Republic kept & scrapped their valued research droid.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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+1 It was one of the more enjoyable events I have been involved in for awhile, these are probably some of the better things we do.

RC 88 Foxtrot EOD Buzz / Buzz Thorison

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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