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Square's After Action Report


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Name: Square

Who helped (If applicable): Zyner, Korm, Jefferson, Buzz, BCNS, Core, Kurama, Ragen, Ron, Noe

Event Name: Republic's Ambush 

Summary of the story: Republic received intelligence discovered a meeting with a bunch of known wanted bounty hunters. The republic traveled to the system and tried to catch them off guard. They deployed a few battalions to the station and began a siege in order to get inside. Upon entering they found heavy resistance from the bounty hunters. After the fighting begins to slow down and the clones take over the station, the clones spread out and search the ship. They find caches full of weapons, money, spices, and even prisoners on the ship. They take the prisoners back to the resolute and interrogate the remaining bounty hunters. The republic then thought they were in the clear but the bounty hunters managed to send a distress signal to the rest of their gang who quickly sent reinforcements in order to try and reclaim their cargo. After the republic defeated the reinforcements, they traveled back to coruscant.            

What was the result of the event?: Clones secured the station. Took long so reinforcements arrived but the clones were able to fend them off. Secured the prisoners. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up/slight passive RP

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