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TR Training Report

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Your Name: Washing MAchine

Your Steam ID: 12345isupportblackrights

Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: gooby boy

Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: N/A

Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): 12345iamblue

Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: synergy

Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: The main issue is that CC tryouts are harder than they should be.  This affects the ability to maintain numbers.  CCs are not elite, they are there to enforce roleplay on the server.  The tryouts should be as easy as youngling trials.  It should be almost all roleplay, as this is the main role of the CCs.  The current tryouts consist of nearly impossible faces, which faces should be basic just to weed out the people who are incompetent.  Formations, which have to be performed in under five seconds, which is RC level.  Roleplay, which is definitely a necessity.  Lastly there a lot of lore questions and other types of questions.  Lore is something that should in the tryout, but not too much of.  There is also the test on debrief procedure and formations.  This is not something that should even be in the tryouts regardless of how easy it is.  They should not test you on something they are supposed to teach you. Delving deeper into Clone Cadets, two of the branches are completely dead; CCs with the clothes skin and CCs with the armor skin.  While pink/purple CCs is not the most important branch, armored ones are.  Talking with community members, there has been a big absence of CCs with the armor.  This is the most important branch of CCs since training rifles are removed.  While these two branches are completely dead, the only branch that has significant members is normal CCs.  Easily the least important branch in all of CCs; considering that people rarely train on the main server, and CCs have no control over training while being deployed.  However, this is the only branch with numbers in it.  There is also the cause for concern with the fact that CCs do not do much with their men, hence a lot of people are not playing on their CC as it is very boring.

Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: yes, they made h a r d tryouts which hurt everyone

Evidence against the individual?: look at CCs

Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: wipe the whole TR program and restart

Edited by Washington
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