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My staff form


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RP Name:TR 104th PLT SSG Moe

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:227631087




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I want to be part of the staff team because I love the server so much. I would also want to help the people and the community as best as i can. I also want to join the staff team is because I really want to help the server and all the people on it. It would be a honer to be apart of the staff team and a true part of the sever. I could help a lot of people and staff. The reason i say i can help staff is because i will be excepting a lot of tickets and doing the best i can.

I am a trustful person and my comfort zone is when i am following the rules so i will follow the rules. I will be doing the best i can as a staff and as a trooper by doing every thing i can to make this server as good as it is if not better.

I've played on your server for a quite short time, but has been the best server of all, not trying to convince you by compliments (the reasons I like: there's not a lot of lag, and there are a lot of  battalions  that you can choose ). I know that there are a lot of  responsibilities  but I  willing to help for you and the players. How am i going to help you may ask: 
-Will not abuse my staff power.
-Will be fair.
-Wont lie to  anyone 
-If getting demoted, won't minge and will understand why.
These are the reasons I want to join staff,Thank you.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a kind person and a helpful one. i am on most of the day i am on even more during the weekend.I live in a small town I have one dog and I live with my parents.I love Star Wars and the server. I would always want to be as helpful as i can. I like to try new things all the time and this will be a good experience . My comfort zone is following the rules as i said in the last question so i will follow the rules because of this. I am person who loves RP and i want everyone to love it as much as i do.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No i do not but i always want to learn new things. And this will be a great learning experience for me and maybe for you.   6

Edited by MOE
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Congratulations! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 2/19/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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