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Staff Application


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RP Name: My clone name is TR DU QM MEDL 2ndLT Maxxjj, My Jedi name is Jedi Youngling Bob

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:221655199

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I want to be staff becaue I really enjoy this game and I want to be helpful as a staff member. I am homeschooled so I can be on when most people can't be. Therefore I have an advantage of some. I have played on this server for a while now and before that I played for about six months. I feel as though I cna help out since I have a lot of experience helping people out and leading in real life. I play on the server not only during the day but also at night so I can help out during the big rush when the server is full. Being a staff would allow me to be more envolved espically since I just became VIP. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am homeschooled and I also do boy scouts. I am almost an eagle scout so I have lots of experience leading. I am also the captian of my basketball team. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?


Edited by Maxxjj
Forgot something in my name...
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6 minutes ago, Cabrera said:

Timezones, there is a lot of people I haven't seen

+1 sounds good and can always be on. (Don't burn yourself out by being on all the time though)

I am on almost always b/c I am AFK 24/7, Thx for the +1

Edited by Maxxjj
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Congratulations. You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 19th to contact an Overseer (Or a Head Admin if an Overseer is not available)

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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