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Squares After Action Report


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Name: Square

Who helped (If applicable): Zyner, Lix, Cory, Scribbles, Mech, Happy, Ragen, Kleef

Event Name: Trando misfortune 

Summary of the story: Trandoshans were carrying wookie prisoners as cargo but republic intelligence intercepted communications between them and their leader. The resolute responds to the planet Kashyyk in order to attempt to locate the ship and intercept it. Once docked the trandos attempted to talk their way out of things but the clones were able to eventually piece things together and discover clues that showed them where the wookies were being stored. The trandos then fled into the venator no one stopping them for some odd reason and called in reinforcements to assist. Clone resistance was too strong and they were able to fend off the trandos and save the wookies.   

What was the result of the event?: Clones killed/interrogated all trandos and sent the wookies back to their planet.  

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive rp start/middle shoot em up end 

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