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Remove DU, End the Meme


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Name: Hershel

RP Rank: Militia Private [VIP SUB User]

Suggestion: Remove DU from roster, mention, and possibility for joining.

Implementation: Dunno, i'm not a coder. But I do think it can't be hard to delete and remove stuff from the server. 

Lore: DU has been sent off into the Unknown Reasons for a secret mission, it will be impossible for them to ever show in the far future.


If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out.

Add or Change: Remove DU

Job: All of DU

Slots:  Adds more Slots for other batt. , perhaps a future one. 

Description: Okay, so I get it. It has been a running joke for a long while now. When is DU coming back? Looking for tryouts for DU! When can we expect to see DU come back or get opened?!

But at this point, I am willing to just suggest that we ice DU for now, as in remove it from WLs, Jobs, and models. Just get rid of it. It is a dead horse, and from what I can tell the Devs have no plan on bringing it back in the far future. I can get why. A good few battalions have been struggling with population, and it would do more harm than good to just open DU. People would flood in for slots, and it would hurt and starve other batt.

So at this point, why not just make it easier on the Dev team, make the meme die, and just leave a slot open for something new in the far future? Maybe like 327th Star Corp or something? It would free up space, have no need for the Devs to make new models for DU, clear up confusion for new people when they see DU as a  battalion listing but nothing is coming of it. The models have not been updated, there has always been a unsatisfying answer for the return of DU, and while the server imo does have a steady population. It will never be enough for a whole new battalion to be supported without harming the healthiness of other battalions.  I think the having to deal with a document rewrite, removing DU from the training wall, and some other smaller things would not be much of the hassle.

At this point I can say a good majority of veterans of the server can hopefully agree the removal of DU to give the community the permanent answer that No. DU is not coming back, and it is best for us to move on from it. 

I know there might be some nostalgia for DU, I was never there but when it just sits there, when you just leave a whitelist, jobs, and models nobody uses. Why bother keeping it? Unless in this suggestion we can get a clear answer. "Hey, we DO have plans. It's not now, soon, but in the far future." Then maybe it might be worth to keep it. But if the Devs and leadership still by now have no future plans to work on the mere suggestion of DU ever coming back. I think the for the betterment of the Devs to just focus on other things than a meme.


(If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu))




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