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Battalion Challenge 4 Results

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Battalion Challenge 4
The results are in the winners of the competition is  SOBDE!

The rankings for this competition goes as follows

1st: SOBDE

2nd: CG

3rd: 501st

4th: 41st


Congratulations to the winners!
and a special thank you to @blazin for stepping in and hosting!

As an additional statement for the BOTY points RCMD+ can now grant and deduct points from Battalions, you can gain points by roleplaying well, showing exceptional dedication, or going above and beyond in your duties!. Conversely, points may be deducted if your battalion causes significant trouble, fails to meet standards or faces disciplinary actions.

Stay tuned for another possible Battalion challenge!


Edited by Woeny
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Head Admin

I took dirty money from Big Synergy to host this

  • Agree 1

Current: Palpatine

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau Yoda x2

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Veteran Admin
1 minute ago, blazin said:

I took dirty money from Big Synergy to host this


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Veteran Admin

It was a lot of fun glad we could participate in it!

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