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Nexus EOT - Rohan

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Name: Rohan

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155676106

Who helped (If applicable): Blazin, Bana

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Prisoner escort, escape

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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5/5/5 Actually deserves the 5/5/5. Amazing work. W Map and W roleplay with W concept.

Current: 212th Ghost Company MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3, Ghost Company XO/Lead

Commander of Wooley Company


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Thanks for a fun and unique event!

W Nexus <3

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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Gameplay: 4
Overall the gameplay was good, I liked the amount of passive RP that was involved in the beginning. It went a little stale with the extraction part where it was just a semi-basic shootem up. More EJ's for the prison part would have went a long way.

Care and Effort: 3
It could have been a lot better though from what I hear you were low on helpers, More EJ's for the prison part would have went a long way. The map in my opinion could be more intricate and have a bit more depth with how it looks, the rocks are good but having some different scenery during the shoot em up would go a long way. The prison itself could also have more going on, it felt as though when we got the first set of guns we ran through everything, having more little things, ray shields, camera, drones, areas where the guards can see and punish whoever enters them. Making it feel more like a prison instead of a sandbox.

Server Performance: 5
With how much was going on the server held up very well, going into it I thought I would drop a lot more frames than it did.

I've been here too long

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Actually, one of the best deployments I have done.  Other than it felt like a shoot em up deployment at the end, however other than that the RP, great, and care was def put. 

41st Jedi Commander Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
claire <3


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4 / 4 / 5

Start off with the best, I had zero performance issues and absolutely had a blast because of it.

I was late to the event, about when I loaded in people already had their guns and whatnot. That's what happens when I start loading in 20 minutes after 7 and have to download 4000 lua files. However, despite all of that I really enjoyed the deployment, concept both on paper and execution, I give it a 4/

Care and effort I give a 4, a couple reasons in mind. I couldn't find a single inconsistency in the dupe, no holes or anything to fly through, was good. I understand that the dupe also got corrupted originally, and Rohan completely built it back up from scratch which I imagine on its scale wasn't easy to do, kutos to him for that. I could see the storyline for sure despite being late. Integral to keep the scientist alive, being able to hack into the tanks and search for weapons, bare basics that GM's often don't provide nowadays, not as often as I'd like to see at least. With such a large fighting force though the deployment was very easy in my mind, and allowing med revives before we got halfway on the one life I would've enjoyed not to see, would've made it feel like there were more stakes. 

Overall, good event, first private deployment since I've been back and I will say it did not disappoint. Thank you Rohan.

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