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Deadly's Staff Application


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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81527710

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I wish to become an admin, because, from my experience, we need more. I also need them personally quite a bit, because every time I want to host a sim, I have to call an admin to help me build one; it often times looks terrible and basic as well. Many times I would ask an admin to come to me and help me build it with @, but often times the ticket goes ignored for 5-10 minutes. It's extremely annoying to have to just stand there and wait for an admin only to have them come and build only a few, simple barricades. I would like to build a better sim for my troops when I host sims, and also I would like to make sure that people don't have to wait that long just to host a simple sim. I also would like to help people when they have simple questions after the server, forums, or rules, other than just for sim-building purposes. I'm tired of bugging the admins and wasting a lot of their time to build a sim for me and try to match what exactly I want. It takes a long time and I'm sure it's annoying for them; I'd prefer to just make them myself.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I'm a high school student in Georgia, US. I have 850 hours on Garry's Mod at the moment. I'm also addicted to League of Legends, though I'm pretty terrible, only being Gold V. I make really good grades, even though I do the bare minimum with my work. I never had to study for any tests to ace them, I just have a natural talent for that. My interests are PC gaming, tennis, and politics. My first job I ever had was last summer. I worked at Animal Control. It was interesting and I overall loved the job, but eventually I left it due to the time schedules conflicting with school. My boss did give me a recommendation for future employment and I plan on getting another job this summer as well.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I have admin experience from about 3-4 years ago on multiple minecraft servers. I was an admin for about 6 months, being able to do pretty much anything. It was a small-to-medium-sized factions server and was a lot of fun. Eventually the owner of the server decided to take down the server, and so the server died. I am a 3-time moderator from a TTT Garry's Mod server called Curium Gaming. It was taken down 3 different times, all 3 of which I was a mod, and has yet to resurface. It had about 8-16 players on from 3pm to 11pm EST every weekday and on weekends had all 16 players on from 11am to 11pm. As a moderator, I would make sure everyone stayed friendly and followed the server rules, enforcing them when needed (RDM mainly, but also cheating in general, such as ghosting and such)

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+1 good boi

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