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Steam Name: BROPDROP

RP Name: Improcco REGL Nye | BROPDROP

RP Rank: LT

Steam ID: 76561199122222552

Battalion you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps

Experience: 41st GCO ARFO | 41st GCO SUPL41st Improcco REGL

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Despite my lack of time and experience on the server, I believe I am the best fit to take over the 41st as BCMD due to the assistance provided to me by some of the best and most experienced members there are, learning how to be a mentor to others and what is takes to succeed in a battalion. In order to prepare myself for this position, I have always held myself to a higher standard by giving myself more responsibilities and interacting with each member of the battalion as often as possible. I have always been there for anyone who needed help with anything in the battalion or server either training related or a simple question. I believe I could lead the 41st back to what it was when I first joined in the server, a family that lifted each other up while also making sure we were doing our duties. I have received mentorship from the previous Gree and Tetra as well as many of the Officers and NCOs as I progressed through the ranks. I have made sure to listen and use all criticism and advice I have received to make myself a better member of the 41st. I have been able to experience what it is like to be BOTM and all it takes to get there; the previous Gree has guided me every day since I became an NCO all the way through to LT teaching me the ins and outs of the 41st making sure I was aware what being an Officer entails. I trust in myself and my abilities to lead and guide others as well as my ability to be respected. I want the ability to do more because I believe I can, I believe that as a whole I can do great things with the battalion.


Monday: 12pm-12am

Tuesday: 12pm-12am

Wednesday: 12pm-12am

Thursday: 12pm-12am

Friday: 12pm-12am

Weekends: 10am-2am

Times may vary depending on work schedule; however, I am available to be on at least for 2 hours on days I work

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 250 hours

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: 

41st Elite Corps

As a whole I would like to have the 41st doing more trainings and patrol involving the vehicles at our disposal I do not see enough of them being done. I am going to also push to see more joint mechanized regiment trainings to grow our relationship with the other mechanized battalions. I plan to focus heavily on the inactivity within the 41st and make sure people are active and if they do need to take a break or will be inactive that they fill out the proper forms to let people know without just going inactive without informing anyone of their absence. I believe that inactivity is the biggest weakness in the 41st as of this moment and I want to fix that.

Green Company

I want to focus on revamping the tryout for Green Company and making it feel like you earned being in Green Company. I want Green Company members to host more trainings within the subunit for practicing their alien translation as well as more stealth reconnaissance missions. I have seen that some Green Company members in the past weren't acting like an elite subunit, and I would like to make sure that changes. I plan to get Green Company's slots full of people who want to a part of an elite reconnaissance force and strive to focus on their RP scenarios as well as their trainings.  

Improcco Company

The goal is to revamp all of the Improcco character tryouts, with a more emphasis on the character during the tryout. I also want to make Improcco like Green Company feel more elite, there is limited slots for a reason, and I want people to make sure they are known as the elite of the elite. In lore Improcco is called to cover Delta and Omega squads as well as counter terror ops, so I would like to try and get some more cooperation between Delta and Omega with Improcco. Etain Tur-Mukan is the Jedi General of Improcco and since I have joined the server, I have seen ZERO trainings or them working together during events and deployments so I would also like to start doing trainings and events with Etain.

Officer Corps

The officer corps since I have joined as done a phenomenal job at teaching and mentoring the NCOs into becoming the next generation of officers. I would love to keep it that way, there was a little time a couple weeks into me joining where the Officers were all away at the same time, so it was hard for the NCOs that were active and doing their duties to get recognized and promoted and so I would like to make sure the officers are active and doing their jobs when they can be. Overall, I want the officers to continue being great mentors to the NCOs as well as the future NCOs of the battalion.

NCO Corps

The NCO Corps is the backbone of the battalion if they are not doing their duties like getting trainings done as well as recruiting people to the battalion then it's harder to grow the battalion. The NCOs are vital to the success and inactivity just cannot happen, so I plan to start disciplining NCOs that are inactive for too long, I do not think it is fair for someone to be able to keep certain ranks by only logging on once every week or more and doing nothing to help when it comes to trainings and recruiting. I believe the NCOs in the 41st could become great officers but it all starts with them being active and doing what they do best.

Wookie Militia

The Wookie militia has been a small part of the 41st that people do not know exist. The Wookie chieftain has done their best to try and grow the militia but unfortunately it is not promoted enough. I would like to see the Wookie militia in a better place and plan to advertise and promote them as best I can. I would also like to make changes to the Wookie's stats, while 500 health makes sense because we see Wookies are more powerful than most species the 500 armor is just a bit excessive so I would like to set it to 500 health and 100-200 armor depending on the Wookie's rank.


The regiments and their respective leads have been doing a wonderful job with recruiting and adding to their numbers. I would like to see more trainings involving individual regiments and their respective RP I have been talking to the leads about engaging in more RP trainings. The biggest focus is going to be making sure the Leads and Officers are promoting their regiments and all they have to offer. Getting every branch's slots filled and active has been my goal as REGL so far and I will continue to strive towards that.  


The end goal is and always will be BOTM it is what I am striving to go for, however I also want the 41st to go back to the family it was when I first joined. When I joined everyone knew each other we had fun and most importantly we took our roles serious and got our requirements done, to get back to that I will start by having battalion meetings on a more regular basis making sure to receive feedback from all ranks and regiments building back into a family is important to me and the success of the 41st.  I am going to focus more on trainings and battalion trainings being done not just because they have to for requirements to be promoted but because they actually want to do them and train people in what we have to offer. I want to see the battalion strive again and I want it to continue to stay that way even long after I am gone. I believe in myself and the others in this battalion to achieve great things and it all starts with unity and working as one, and I will do whatever it takes to get us to that point. I plan to monitor inactivity in all ranks throughout the battalion using the F4 menu and make sure inactive people are not immune from punishment, getting the inactivity down is the first step in completing all of my other goals so NCOs or higher that go ten days without logging on and without the proper forms filled out will be contacted and then demoted if nothing changes. I am going to reward activity and people who show more initiative and put effort into building up the battalion.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by BROPDROP
  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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You keep mentioning how you want to increase the amount of trainings. There's a difference between quantity and quality with trainings. I have been a part of battalions that have a lot of trainings, but they're mainly all the same thing and they are so repetitive, it becomes a chore to do the trainings. How will you ensure these trainings will be quality and fun?


I also noticed that this battalion is mainly a late night battalion and the numbers are usually lacking during peak times. How will you help improve this?


You keep saying how you will improve activity. What are your plans to do that? Incentives? Requirements?


Overall you have a solid application, I would just like to see your answers to these questions before I give a +/-1

Former: Veteran Admin, 41st Commander and REGL, Chief Medical Officer

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This is easily a +1 coming from me. The moment that this man joined this battalion and had shown his dedication, I knew that he would rise the ranks very quickly.  I really like the Green Company section (not biased at all). I do feel there does need to be a change to the tryout, because at the moment, its not that great. I really like the views you have on inactivity, there needs to be more effort into keeping the corps active.  I think that great things will come of this.

  • Friendly 1


Current: 41st Major Faie | Green Company Lead | ARF Officer

Former: Sentinel Manager | 41st ARF Lead

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1 minute ago, Spite said:

You keep mentioning how you want to increase the amount of trainings. There's a difference between quantity and quality with trainings. I have been a part of battalions that have a lot of trainings, but they're mainly all the same thing and they are so repetitive, it becomes a chore to do the trainings. How will you ensure these trainings will be quality and fun?


I also noticed that this battalion is mainly a late night battalion and the numbers are usually lacking during peak times. How will you help improve this?


You keep saying how you will improve activity. What are your plans to do that? Incentives? Requirements?


Overall you have a solid application, I would just like to see your answers to these questions before I give a +/-1

When it comes to ensuring the trainings will be quality and fun I have already started working on ideas for the different trainings as well as coming up with ideas for dupes to help make the trainings more unique from each other.

It is true that the 41st is more active later at night, to get the numbers more consistent I am going to make sure NCOs and higher are consistently adverting and trying to get more recruits as well as making sure the new recruits are engaged and don't get bored and want to leave.

Lastly, I touched up briefly that I am going to start contacting people after 10 days of inactivity and if nothing changes they'll either be demoted or removed depending on repeated offenses or not also depending on the rank I may contact them if they haven't been on in 7 days at a certain rank I feel you must be held to a higher standard and if you can't meet that standard then unfortunately you should not be able to keep the rank. When it comes to incentives, I have already given credit incentives to NCOs and enlisted that I have seen putting in great work as well as being active, however I do not want to have to rely only on incentives to keep the members active.

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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We both joined this battalion a day apart, i've seen his growth beforehand and everything he has accomplished. I strongly agree this is the best possible candidate excluding the senior officers whom are not available enough to take on the role. +1

Edited by nirfern

41st LT Draa | Green Company Deputy |  41st ARCL

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3 minutes ago, BROPDROP said:

When it comes to ensuring the trainings will be quality and fun I have already started working on ideas for the different trainings as well as coming up with ideas for dupes to help make the trainings more unique from each other.

It is true that the 41st is more active later at night, to get the numbers more consistent I am going to make sure NCOs and higher are consistently adverting and trying to get more recruits as well as making sure the new recruits are engaged and don't get bored and want to leave.

Lastly, I touched up briefly that I am going to start contacting people after 10 days of inactivity and if nothing changes they'll either be demoted or removed depending on repeated offenses or not also depending on the rank I may contact them if they haven't been on in 7 days at a certain rank I feel you must be held to a higher standard and if you can't meet that standard then unfortunately you should not be able to keep the rank. When it comes to incentives, I have already given credit incentives to NCOs and enlisted that I have seen putting in great work as well as being active, however I do not want to have to rely only on incentives to keep the members active.

W +1

Can't wait to see huge numbers o7

Former: Veteran Admin, 41st Commander and REGL, Chief Medical Officer

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9 minutes ago, Finn said:

Just to clarify, you got waived to post this, right?

Yes it was. I was not aware I had to put it in the title I apologize.

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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10 minutes ago, NexusRyan said:

Was this waived by a Director+?

It was I was not told I must put [WAIVED] in title I do apologize.

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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+1 the only person who can do it fr. Amazing officer and great person to work with. I believe without a doubt he will do amazing 

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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1 hour ago, Mojavelicious said:

If you wouldnt mind, could you and I have a chat next time we're both on before I make a decision? Feel free to hit me up any time I'm on and I'll make time for it!

Of course I will make sure to look for you

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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Veteran Admin

+1 its always good to see other 41st members +1ing the app. Good luck! :)


Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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After reading your app, the bit at the bottom spoke to me. I love when battalions feel like family/group of friends. Other than that it all checks out.

+1 and good luck bucko!

Current: RC-3222 Omega Squad Private Atin
Former: Rancor Private, 21st CommanderCuy'val Dar Vhonte Tervho, Naval LT Dao Coruscant Guard CPT Thire, KU XO Charger

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I think Bropdrop will be a great BCMD I've seen him do some really good things for the 41st in the short time he's been in the 41st and can't wait to see the improvements that he makes so he will definitely be getting my +1

  Former: LT Green Company Draa  Current: SGM Improcco Company Tenn

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+1 make 41st great 

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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-1 only reason I believe he isn’t ready is he hasn’t held a position of leadership for very long. He just became a regimental lead, and hasn't been a Senior officer. I just don’t feel like he has the experience quite yet. Maybe next term rotation it might be different but as it stands he quite new. This isn’t personal just how I currently view things. Also I believe little maturing is needed before taking up a huge responsibility like this.

  • Dumb 5
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+1? Nah- I ain't +1ing, I am giving this candidate a +100.

Serious note, bro got dreams and I want those dreams come into a reality. I love the idea of making 41st into a Family than a 2nd job to have in my life, doing training because I WANT to do it instead of because I gotta do it just so I can meet quota. He has already taken the few steps to become BCMD, so here's my message that he should be in BCMD and I want him to be my BCMD for 41st.


Former Clone Trooper:  Green Company Officer TR MEDL SGM Punisher

star wars camo clone trooper for Sale,Up To OFF 73%

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Director

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




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