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Hound - False Banning / Admin abuse

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  I recently join Synergy and of course i did press the shiny button but doesnt explain why the admin has to break rp to teleport to me and arrest me. hes not on duty just completely teleported right to me and arrested me whats the fun in that. He did this multiple times, I know its downtime and all but this shouldnt be an excuse to go into logs and teleport to the person pressing the button and arrest them. Thats besides the point, the main this is getting banned for alt accounting when this is the only account i play on. Bros on a power trip and flips the switch too hard. banned for 30 days btw for hitting a button 2 times and waiting through the jail sentence only one time. 

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Veteran Admin

Hello it is I hound.

The ban was issued and reduced to 5 days. 

As for teleporting to you, I didn't I was in admin mode,  and made my way over to you as you stated was down time and I was busy with other things as well as helping monitor the server, as you had pushed the button and said and I quote 'Scared me as I didn't know it would work' then proceeded to do it again which you forget to mention which is why I appeared to you twice. You are on a server with rules which still need to be followed even in downtime 

From there an account previously banned literally 5 minutes before you pushed all the buttons and ran and crouched down behind Palpatine's chair. Being that you are a CR, I understand exploring however you essentially made a B line straight for BCC.

Being a brand new CR you managed to run straight to BCC pushes the buttons and then proceeded to run straight to the same place behind the chair and crouch in the exact same position as the previously banned account.

Either a very very very massive coincidence, mates with the previous CT, in the same call, an ALT or just very very unlucky.

Edited by Moose_Wundo
Wanted to add stuff

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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6 hours ago, Moose_Wundo said:

Hello it is I hound.

The ban was issued and reduced to 5 days. 

As for teleporting to you, I didn't I was in admin mode,  and made my way over to you as you stated was down time and I was busy with other things as well as helping monitor the server, as you had pushed the button and said and I quote 'Scared me as I didn't know it would work' then proceeded to do it again which you forget to mention which is why I appeared to you twice. You are on a server with rules which still need to be followed even in downtime 

From there an account previously banned literally 5 minutes before you pushed all the buttons and ran and crouched down behind Palpatine's chair. Being that you are a CR, I understand exploring however you essentially made a B line straight for BCC.

Being a brand new CR you managed to run straight to BCC pushes the buttons and then proceeded to run straight to the same place behind the chair and crouch in the exact same position as the previously banned account.

Either a very very very massive coincidence, mates with the previous CT, in the same call, an ALT or just very very unlucky.

There is alt detection no? If it didn't go off no point in banning for an alt.

Otherwise the ban seems valid man. Have fun waiting out your 5 days.

Edited by Mystic
  • Agree 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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Head Admin

Staff member has been talked to and handled on the staff side. 

Wait out your ban till it's over and don't minge again!

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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