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Name: Wheezy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106026873

Who helped (If applicable): Fenrir Zen Soulless Abram Valian and Baelfire

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): no

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Yall Captured bane on Utapau but unfortunately let him escape as the CIS Flooded the base and overran the brig and brought ban out of the Venator to the CIS Munificent.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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5/4/5 Overall not bad just honestly forced Cad Bane and his escape but still W



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto | Bardan Jusik | QuestMaster


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1/1/1 You tried, but I rate harshly for you to read this and improve. The utapau part was good, it was a enhanced deployment shoot em up but it kept us entertained. What I didn't like was that you forced cad bane to escape. Obviously we can not kill him but you could have kept him in custody. You tried to say it was your only option but it wasn't. Following that you threw multiple commando droids at us which wasn't an issue, the issue sits where you gave an EJ a rocket launcher, something ultimately outrageous and shouldn't be done again.  Once again you forced most likely about 120 B1 Droids out of 1 pod to the point where people were getting stuck in  a sea of droids that made no sense. Ultimately I hope you can improve with your future deployments and endeavors. Reason I rated the server performance is rated so low is that tick at numerous times dropped to 4.9 and I had soft crashed once.

Edited by EODmanKarl
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7 minutes ago, EODmanKarl said:

1/1/1 You tried, but I rate harshly for you to read this and improve. The utapau part was good, it was a enhanced deployment shoot em up but it kept us entertained. What I didn't like was that you forced cad bane to escape. Obviously we can not kill him but you could have kept him in custody. You tried to say it was your only option but it wasn't. Following that you threw multiple commando droids at us which wasn't an issue, the issue sits where you gave an EJ a rocket launcher, something ultimately outrageous and shouldn't be done again.  Once again you forced most likely about 120 B1 Droids out of 1 pod to the point where people were getting stuck in  a sea of droids that made no sense. Ultimately I hope you can improve with your future deployments and endeavors. Reason I rated the server performance is rated so low is that tick at numerous times dropped to 4.9 and I had soft crashed once.

I do respect ur rating but I also do want to add that In order for my events to go how I want them, ME and I think im speaking for all GMs here have to adapt to what the situation currently is meaning in my case, 1: keep sending in commandos to break out bane and sit there for another hour while yall destroy them and rearrest bane 2: possibly have him sent to "Coruscant" to be interrogated but that wasnt the way I wanted it to work so I Adapted to it and made it work (Me spawning a fuck ton of droids to push yall out of brig) and thats why I did that in order for my event to work the way I wanted it to.

Either way I can see from your side how it can be a little annoying but from my perspective its how I wanted it to be done.

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while I enjoyed the first part of the deployment (other then the poor pilots) and found it engaging and enjoyable. the second half is my issue. tick rate was terrible dropping to 3 at one point. secondly I find it disrespectful to not only call out a member of the server for something during a DB over an issue you may have, and thirdly the way the Cad bane issue was completely unbelievable and makes all sense of accomplishment void. you took away the win and made it a loss. a GM (in my humble opinion) should be able to adapt their story to fit the narrative of whatever is going on within the event itself. some examples of alternate options could be to have the ship that was shot down crash land on a nearby planet, have cad bane be recaptured and explain that he had escaped at a later date, maybe even turn it into a follow up event. those are just two simple and easy examples. in conclusion, I think that you could have came up with a better way to end off the event. thank you for reading, I wish you luck on future events

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2 hours ago, Wheezy said:

I do respect ur rating but I also do want to add that In order for my events to go how I want them, ME and I think im speaking for all GMs here have to adapt to what the situation currently is meaning in my case, 1: keep sending in commandos to break out bane and sit there for another hour while yall destroy them and rearrest bane 2: possibly have him sent to "Coruscant" to be interrogated but that wasnt the way I wanted it to work so I Adapted to it and made it work (Me spawning a fuck ton of droids to push yall out of brig) and thats why I did that in order for my event to work the way I wanted it to.

Either way I can see from your side how it can be a little annoying but from my perspective its how I wanted it to be done.

Alrighty, The "fuck ton of droids" that you spawned was a very large factor of why this event was so bad. The way you wanted it to work was the no care generic ending of a deployment. With all due respect as a fellow GM this was not only not very creative, but you quite literally ruined the deployment to get it over quicker. You had many ways to adapt to this situation besides spawning a hundred droids in brig. Not to mention you still didn't justify or talk about the fact that you gave an EJ a rocket launcher and broke GM rules. You could have not only kept cad bane in custody, you could have taken multiple approaches instead of out right spawning way too many droids from 1 POD to the point where people were getting stuck inside them. At least take the effort to put four or three and make it look like they were drilling through the venator. You could have attacked separate parts of the venator like the Engine room and shut the power off, or you could attack the HMC. At the end of the day you are trying to claim you adapted to it well but I am not the only one saying this but what you did had ruined the deployment for many. I am sorry if this has come off harsh I mean it with the most respect  I can give as well as criticism as I am a GM myself and want to better the events on synergy.



Not to mention you made a reason for the commando droids " blasting literal BLAST DOORS open with a rocket launcher" Which they shouldn't even have in the first place. Then when people called you out for it you actively didn't respond to it the right way. No offense but this alone ruined the deployment for me.

Edited by EODmanKarl
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