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Washington's Gamemaker app Round II


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Name: Washington

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76144015

How long have you played on the server: 1100+ hrs

From 1-10, what is your knowledge of Clone Wars: 9

How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I like to think I am pretty good at leading and talking

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes

Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:


Event Name: The Battle in Balmorra

Summary of the storyline: To start, a mandatory DB is called and troopers are briefed on the ensuing event. Balmorra is a vital manufacturing powerhouse located on the borders of the Core Worlds, and the colonies. This event takes place after the Republic took the planet back from CIS control, but before the second battle of Balmorra. Separatist commando droids have stormed a manufactory, and taken hostages. Most of the Manufactory was cleared, but there are at least 2 technicians being held. (The reason the Separatists attacked this manufactory is because it has prototype schematics for a super weapon that they want to access through the facilities encrypted systems, however the only ones who know of this particular fact are Palpatine, and whoever he chooses to know. Palpatine wants the data secured by RC and NULL and sent to him directly through a private uplink.) The Jedi and clones sent planetside are there to rescue the hostages and eliminate the CIS threat. Those staying aboard the Venator will be holding off a CIS counter attack that commences when landfall is made for the Event server participants.

Jobs Required:At least 7 event jobs on Event server for the 5 commando droids and 2 hostages, hopefully as many aboard the ship for the counterattack.  NPC’s placed in areas away from the Event Jobs would help increase content and playtime.

Vehicles Required: LAAT’s for planetside landfall and evac

Map being used (If applicable for event server): Rishi Moon

Any additional information: My hope is this keeps everyone busy and entertained. It would require a few helping hands from other staff, but if done correctly, could be quite memorable. Map Layouts and placements are all dealer’s choice.

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