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Drill pods Deployed!

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Name: Karl

Who helped (If applicable): Thai NI, Chopper, Silvy,

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The CIS Deployed Drilling pods to this sectors surface, doing so they had made there presence aware when republic personnel found there pods within the sector when patroling. The CIS launched an attack on the republic for an attempt to keep its pods down which ultimately failed.
Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes.

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4/4/4, you should have cloacked us faster

Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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