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[Denied] Atomic BAN REQUST

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Name: Atomic
Steam ID: 
Ban Reason: NITRP
Date of Ban: 1/13/24
Length of Ban: 1 day
Staff Member(s) Involved: Cucumber
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: False ban i was on my second arrest when i got banned this is not the rules the rules say a admin will step in after the fourth arrest 
Evidence to support your claims: No evidence just check the arrest logs for the date and ask cucumber and every CG and every staff member its some bullshit that staff think they can walk over everyone and do whatever they want control your retards 



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2 minutes ago, cpt.atomic said:

Name: Atomic
Steam ID: 
Ban Reason: NITRP
Date of Ban: 1/13/24
Length of Ban: 1 day
Staff Member(s) Involved: Cucumber
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: False ban i was on my second arrest when i got banned this is not the rules the rules say a admin will step in after the fourth arrest 
Evidence to support your claims: No evidence just check the arrest logs for the date and ask cucumber and every CG and every staff member its some bullshit that staff think they can walk over everyone and do whatever they want control your retards 



Crazy +1

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Yourself and Grizzly were going around trolling, glitching in jail, mass spawning ammo boxes while arrested somehow (clip below).... which can lead to the server crashing. I was told by a VA @Reborn to ban you both for NITRP.


Edited by Cucumber
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Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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bro you should be perma banned at this point :pepeL:


3 hours ago, Cucumber said:

Yourself and Grizzly were going around trolling, glitching in jail, mass spawning ammo boxes while arrested somehow (clip below).... which can lead to the server crashing. I was told by a VA @Reborn to ban you both for NITRP.


and be lucky your jail glitching wasnt a perm ban for map exploiting :Bruh:

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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13 hours ago, Cucumber said:

Yourself and Grizzly were going around trolling, glitching in jail, mass spawning ammo boxes while arrested somehow (clip below).... which can lead to the server crashing. I was told by a VA @Reborn to ban you both for NITRP.


If only there were really easy fixes to this also stealing my ammo isnt allowed just because i buy ammo doesnt mean im doing anything other than getting ammo doesnt matter what you think it is I have personally shown all these glitches exploits to Xaze and he doesnt care to fix any of them 

10 hours ago, Mystic said:

bro you should be perma banned at this point :pepeL:


and be lucky your jail glitching wasnt a perm ban for map exploiting :Bruh:

perm ban for someone killing me while in jail crazy

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Head Admin

Your ban was extended due to the vast amount of bans you have received overtime, previously already because of your past offenses,

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin

Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+.


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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