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Zyner's Blazing Pantoran Visit


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Who helped (If applicable):

Jirachi, Kitty, Core, Square, Hobo, Doc

Event Name:

Blazing Pantoran Visit

Summary of the story:

A Pantoran representative was escorted into the ship with some Senate Guards in order to inspect our Troops and decide whether his side of the Papanoid civilization saw the Republic as a right fit for them and join our Senate. Whilst taken around the ship, the "Blaze Brothers" Battalion requested permission to land for refueling as the Blaze Brothers used up most of the ship's fuel for their flame throwers. Things proceeded as usual on the Venator, as the Senator continued inspecting the Troopers the Blaze Brothers had their ship refueled and left. Soon after a group of Deathwatch mercenaries arrived from tracking the Blaze Brother's ship, they scanned the Venator and saw a Republic Senate ship docked and came to the conclusion a Senator must be on board. With the Blaze Brother's leaving, they took the opportunity to land in the open Hangar and sought the Pantoran representative. They went through the whole ship alongside their Saber-Wielding companion but failed to find the Senator Representative and ultimately faced their death, whilst one got captured. Republic faced minor causalities, including the death of a Senate Guard at the hands of an Elevator that shut on him. A last surviving Deathwatch Mercenary was captured, interrogated and sent to Coruscant. The Pantoran announced his leave and will be reviewing our results for his decision to join our Senate.

What was the result of the event?:

Senator Representative and one Senate Guard lived, Deathwatch Failed, Republic succeeded.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

2/3rd Roleplay, 1/3rd Shoot 'em up.

Edited by Zyner
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