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CWRP - Banoodle's GM Application v2 [WAIVED]


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Name: Banoodle/Barton Coburn/A'Aray Vizla
SteamID: 76561198246303494 | STEAM_0:0:143018883
How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 956:13:15.
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9.2
Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to rejoin the gamemaster team because honestly, I feel like I can make a difference in the server by interacting with the player base more, and hosting events and deployments for people to enjoy. My goal within the team would be to hopefully progress to a GMO and also join the questmaster team if it is still open. I feel that my contributions as a GM would be a great way for me to express my creativity.
Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes

Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM.




Edited by Banshoodle
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On 12/1/2023 at 11:43 PM, Banshoodle said:

Name: Banoodle/Barton Coburn/A'Aray Vizla
SteamID: 76561198246303494 | STEAM_0:0:143018883
How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 956:13:15.
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9.2
Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to rejoin the gamemaster team because honestly, I feel like I can make a difference in the server by interacting with the player base more, and hosting events and deployments for people to enjoy. My goal within the team would be to hopefully progress to a GMO and also join the questmaster team if it is still open. I feel that my contributions as a GM would be a great way for me to express my creativity.
Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes

Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM.





Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview!


 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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Head Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team!



       Zeros          Clutch



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