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RP Name: 327th HVY SPC Chew

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15887830

Age: 13

Gender: Male 

Timezone: PTZ  (California)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be aprart of the staff steam because I want to help maintain the server from becoming chaos by getting rid of all the minges that ruin other players fun. I also want to be apart of the staff team because one of my favorite things to do in life is help people. I would help by training the new recruits and whitelist the players. I also want to be apart of the staff team because I can respond fast to an RDM or someone who is spamming. I accept tickets fast and at points of the day when nothing is happening, I sit in a corner and I just wait for tickets to pop up and I respond to them fast. I know how to deal with players that RDM, RDA, Spam, and all those other things minges would do. I play till it is late so when it is down time I am there to handle tickets and be the staff to deal with players at night. If I get accepted it will be bringing another good person in the community to Synergy Roleplay.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): A little bit about me is that I was a Senior-Mod on Icefuse around 5 or 6 months ago. I was an Exclusive Admin on another server for quite a bit.  I am on almost all day because I love playing Gmod. In hours I would be on 2-12 hours a day but when school starts I can be on for 2-6 hours a day, not a big difference. I am respectful and honest when it comes to when I am talking to somebody. I am a friendly and nice person, I don't normally scream unless someone makes me really mad and I don't say any curse words. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I have been a SMOD on Icefuse, New Admin on here before, Overseer on a growing server, and Head Admin on another growing server.

Edited by Chew/Munch
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