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A farewell from Moltar the moltarded

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Well, not much to say in the ways of why just been so burnt out and so tired i just don't have the motivation to be on the server. I've always been more of a small low number server kind of person but this was a definite change of pace. I have enjoyed and cherish the experience of begin around so many lovely people. perhaps ill return but for now i need to just explore other servers and refresh myself. This does mean i am leaving The TR Program hopefully i served well, and as for CG you can assume.


@Puck Its been an absolute pleasure working with you in the CG and you'll always be the best Commander Fox.

@TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes Good luck and god speed you fucking manic. *Salutes*

@TayTay keep on trucking! just don't be motherfucking.

@Kirawrasaurus Rex Please don't stab me.

@Xaze i'll be sure to send you more pictures of my cats.

@Moltar go fuck yourself me! Wait for or am i going to fuck me? Or if I fuck myself i'd be fucking me. is that incest?

-With love Moltar the MoltardWIN_20171231_23_37_45_Pro.thumb.jpg.a24222fc69c19ba9638a020c75161911.jpg


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We'll miss you Moltar. You're always welcome back to the ST if you decide to come back. 

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