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The Fallen Spy


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Name: Jesse

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13970381

Who helped (If applicable): Luxz Bleach Super Cucumber Clutch

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A trusted member of the RSB had been sent on a mission to obtain the blueprint of a new droid factory on the planet's surface. As of the last two weeks, our agent has gone dark with no contact whatsoever. Unfortunately, our hopes to figure out the CIS plans without sending in our troops have failed and now we must send a team to extract the RSB agent to prevent any information leak to the CIS as well as destroy the droid factories creating the droids and vehicles.

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The build was sick and the plan was good. Seems like you put a lot of work into this and for most of it, this was enjoyable. 

Within 5 minutes into the deployment, Saber EJ's started targetting clones. Jedi were up on the air platform, and the EJ just killed clones that werent even fighting them. I am extremely tired of Jedi crying and moaning about clones fighting saber EJ's when Jedi are fighting, but those same people don't care about this when they're the EJ's. Feels like we need to practice what we preach or stop complaining abt it. 

Event was good. I am frustrated at your EJ's, not you. 

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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5/5/5 Kewl event

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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5/5/2 I had a total of 10 FPS the entire time, but fun event had fun

Edited by GatorSkins

Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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