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Bael's Staff App


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RP Name: TR Jedi K Sentinel V Bael

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81479469

Age: 14

Gender: M

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an administrator to better the server. I enjoy playing GMOD and hate it when minges and people who only seek to be a nuisance join the server. Being an administrator would give me the opportunity to help rid the server of these people and to help anyone and everyone however I can. I am very friendly and love to help people and answer questions. I also want to be an administrator because I would eventually be able to run creative events (no crappy generic events that happen 3 times a day) and build cool things that the entire server can have fun with, which makes me happy because I can bring other people entertainment that way. In all, I want to be an administrator to better players' experiences on the server. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I spend most of my time on my computer tbh. I am friendly, love to help people, and I am creative. I have a lot of free time and am willing to spend some of it on the server. I have played GMOD and been staff enough times to know how things work and how to deal with almost every situation.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have plenty of staff experience. I have been a high ranking staff member on 2 servers (PurgeRP), I was an admin on UG Starwars RP, and I was an admin of Icefuse Starwars RP, but I resigned because icefuse went to shit. I left all of those servers because the high ranking staff members became complete assholes and abused a lot, but the first server I was a high ranking staff on shut down because of lack of funds. 

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