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Genes Galactic Conquest Pt 1 Paryat 


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Who helped (If applicable): Kirara Reaper Korm ASVO Fours prob some others im forgetting

Event Name: Galactic Conquest Pt 1 Paryat 

Summary of the story: conquest over the contested areas

What was the result of the event?: tie one win per side

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up


Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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I've seen CTs more organized than this event. As a Commander I got to see into the Event room and see the "coordination behind this". So I'll bullet point my issues

  • No one knew what they were doing. I saw no explanation besides "cap the points", each of my team had no idea what they were doing.
  • Disorganization from the Gamemasters - We barely had weapons as Umbarans and as Republic recieved barely any explanation as what was going to occur or where to go
  • No one knew where the points were. Even the other Commander couldn;t find one of them. We were told "It's somewhere here and you'll find it" 
  • Severe lack of care for balance or... anything really - The Teams were terribly unbalanced. The team against had around 15+ more than we did, and they had a 400 HP bonus against us. Calling for airstrikes, weapons, or any support was just ignored. We had to wait for weapons, until like
  • I had to answers questions about the event, and I wans't even a GM

Overall, it was a commendable effort to TRY and do something like this, but with the amount of GMs on working on this...I would expect something good, but clearly Joah's Conquests have sent my expectations too high it seems. 


Edited by Washington
  • Agree 1
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It was a decent event, however, I do have similar issues as Washington. There could have been more organisation regarding where we had to go, e.g. where the points were. Also, I feel that the GMs did not have much control over the event and that there were some balancing issues to an extent. 

I do believe that people knew exactly what to do "cap the points" is fairly self explanatory for anyone that has every played a battlefront game. Also, regarding weaponry I am fairly certain there was no issue here as both Umbarans and Republic forces won at least one round, in fact, the Umbarans won the second round faster and more efficiently than the Republic on their first round win. 

Overall I feel that the main issues stemming from this event are because of the commanders and the GMs assigned to them. I believe that if there was more communication between the commanders, the GMs and the troops that everything would have went over a lot smoother. Even still though it was an ace event and I hope to see more! ^.^

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@Washington i left the other two command points open and uninformed because i thought it would be more fun for the clones to go adventure and find the points for themselves it was not that hard to find the points they were in the three most accessable spots on the map and the two bases were on the opposite ends of the objective each team was given a fair chance as to how far they had to run to get to each objective being that the main base was the easiest and closest one to capture.

@Kopple I plan on doing more of these events on different planets and seeing how it goes i will try and coordinate with other game makers to get it more under control for next time.

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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