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Weird detail mess up in CW show?

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i was watching the CW show and i noticed that at exactly at 8:28 S3 E1 Clone cadets when they do a close up on colt why is his chest pauldron all fucked up? Its just floating there while if u back up and look at havoc and blitz they are both correct.... Did anyone else notice it just kinda weird i didnt see this before lol 

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  • Founder

I'm not adding the weather mod. 

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18 hours ago, Arizona said:

i was watching the CW show and i noticed that at exactly at 8:28 S3 E1 Clone cadets when they do a close up on colt why is his chest pauldron all fucked up? Its just floating there while if u back up and look at havoc and blitz they are both correct.... Did anyone else notice it just kinda weird i didnt see this before lol 

I think this is lore accurate

  • Bruh 1

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Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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5 hours ago, Xaze said:

I'm not adding the weather mod. 

Hear me out tho as ChatGPT explains the benefits and how it can be implemented to reduce server performance 



There are several reasons why adding the Storm Fox 2 weather mod to your Gmod server would be beneficial:

  1. Enhanced Realism: The Storm Fox 2 mod adds a wide range of realistic weather effects to the game, including rain, thunderstorms, fog, and snow. By adding these effects to your server, you can create a more immersive and realistic gaming experience for your players.

  2. Increased Variety: With the Storm Fox 2 mod, you can vary the weather conditions on your server, which can add an extra layer of excitement and challenge to gameplay. For example, heavy rain could make it more difficult for players to see or move around the map, while snow could affect vehicle handling.

  3. Player Engagement: Players are more likely to stay engaged with your server if they have a variety of experiences to enjoy. The Storm Fox 2 mod can help keep players interested and coming back to your server by providing unique weather conditions that they can't find anywhere else.

  4. Customization Options: The Storm Fox 2 mod also offers a variety of customization options, allowing you to tailor the weather effects to your specific server and map. This level of control can help you create a unique and memorable experience for your players.

Overall, the Storm Fox 2 weather mod is an excellent addition to any Gmod server. It can enhance realism, provide a greater variety of experiences, engage players, and offer customization options. By adding this mod to your server, you can take your gaming experience to the next level and attract more players to your community.

Here are some tips for using the Storm Fox 2 weather mod in a way that minimizes its impact on server performance:

  1. Adjust the settings: The Storm Fox 2 mod offers a wide range of customization options, including the intensity and frequency of weather effects. By adjusting these settings, you can create a balance between visual realism and server performance. For example, you can reduce the frequency of thunderstorms or snowfall to make them less taxing on the server.

  2. Limit the coverage area: You can limit the coverage area of the weather effects by using the mod's built-in map editor. This can help reduce the number of active weather effects at any given time, which can help improve server performance.

  3. Use a weather controller addon: There are several addons available that can help you control the weather effects on your server more efficiently. For example, the StormFox Weather Controller addon allows you to change weather conditions with a simple chat command, which can help reduce server strain by limiting the number of active weather effects.

  4. Optimize the server hardware: If you're experiencing performance issues, it may be worth considering upgrading the hardware of your server. This can help improve the overall performance of the server, including its ability to handle the Storm Fox 2 weather mod.

By following these tips, you can use the Storm Fox 2 weather mod in a way that minimizes its impact on server performance, while still providing an immersive and engaging gameplay experience for your players.

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