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CCmonty staff abuse report


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RP Name: KU Sage Knight V Tenal Jerikko

Steam ID: (will edit when I get home)

Staff member you are reporting: ccmonty

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): (will edit in when I get home)

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: spawning in dooms unit shield for him self and using it to prop push people not listening to COC (was told by other people that he was abusing and spawning himself shit earlier but I have no proof of it apart from being told so I will not include it unless they want to put it here)

Explain the situation: so his was in the middle of the whole tree argument (I won't explain to much apart from I was acting like a retarded and arguing with CG) Zim announced in OOC that nobody should be standing on the tree earlier so Monty came and spawned himself a DU shield and started using it to prop push people around and on the tree and when another 104th (will try to get his name as a witness) told Monty to stop and he replied with your not in charge of me and proceeded to try and grab the shield which I deleted so he ran away

Evidence (If applicable): ask anybody who was there (will try and add the witnesses names in when I get back home if I can find them) tank was there and saw it as well as ares was there when it happened I believe

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ok ill give my side to this: YES i spawned a DU sheild and i dont have a explaination for that. i was not tring to prop push people and it was not a 104th member who told me to stop it was jayarr and i said "your not the boss of me" because i thought he was being hypocritical as i remember him abusing me with staff powers on several occasions. i dont remember why i spawned the sheild and i dont remember what i was going to do with it. also whats a COC? i dont have a excuse for my actions other then i was just fooling around. i am still getting a handle for admin powers and when it is ok and not ok to use them. i do except responsiblity for this however and i promise this will not happen again

Edited by ccmonty
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Test your privileges in a private area like a Sim not the 2nd floor lobby to "fool around" and if somebody tells you to stop doing something because it's start abuse you really should listen and not say something like that and run away even if he abuses his powers make a report on him and let higher ups also note don't spawn anything unless it's needed in a Sim or for a event don't just spawn yourself a shield cause you want one 

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1 minute ago, Mike said:

Test your privileges in a private area like a Sim not the 2nd floor lobby to "fool around" and if somebody tells you to stop doing something because it's start abuse you really should listen and not say something like that and run away even if he abuses his powers make a report on him and let higher ups also note don't spawn anything unless it's needed in a Sim or for a event don't just spawn yourself a shield cause you want one 

understood like i said i have gotten a handle mostly and it wont happen anymore ill seclude it to a hanger or sim or something


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1 minute ago, Doc said:

I’m sorry Monty but I️ have to include the other instance of you spawning in something. The incident with the lightsaber shouldn’t have happened. You were spawning things in a training sim that we did not need and told you not to spawn in and it ended with someone dying and disrupting the flow of the training and had to slightly delay the progress of it 

quoted from another post: yes i spawned it i was going to despawn it bu then said clone walked into it

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5 minutes ago, Doc said:

But my point is that you already spawned the lightsaber in before when it was not needed, and then multiple people told you not to spawn that or anything else in and yet you did again, which led to someone getting killed

look dude im srry about that i ment no harm by it and yes i admit that it was wrong and stupid and i appologize

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