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Riddler's Staff Application


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Riddler's Staff Application 

RP Name: TR 501st MED CPL Riddler 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:100904140

Age: 19

Gender: Male 

Timezone: GMT+0 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

Well, to start off I have staff experience so I know how to handle intense and abusive situations that involve members of the player base and fellow staff members of the team on and off the server. I'm quite cheerful all the time so nobody will catch me dealing with something/someone in a unmotivated manner. I feel that as our roles as staff members we're here to set examples and act as small role models for all of the player base of synergy

I see myself as a great multitasker, so this means if anyone is requesting our help I'll take myself out of the role play I currently have on the go and attend to the players request. That being asking about donations/regiments or needing training. We apply for this role to give our time to assist the players of Synergy so my time management for the players will always be a strong priority for myself to keeping working on and achieving. 

The Christmas period is coming up and I'd love to be able to assist during this period due to player counts being high in both eastern and western timezones, along with that the new star wars film is going to drop soon and a massive spike of population will more than likely strike the server meaning for greater numbers for both timezones. This also being said as a Brit myself I'd love to be able to get on in the mornings during that downtime and help out more eastern players that require help or training rather than them leave due to less response times and etc.

Currently, I see the team of synergy and I'd love to be apart of that team, its full of great people who enjoy the same passions I have and its in a great state currently and offering my services is one of the ways I'd like to pay back the higher ups for developing the server into such a awesome success.  

And personally during my break from role play servers altogether I did miss the challenges that staffing faced, it taught me so many lessons that included, time management, documentation handling, teamwork and also building my confidence up to be able to address great numbers of individuals.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Currently, I'm studying my HNC/HND in Computer Science. This will be a two year course and will set me up for either a higher qualification in the college I already attend or a University placement. I really do enjoy my IT from all directions either being networking, IT troubleshooting and games development.

I'm a huge MMA fan as some people know I idolize Conor Mcgregor due to his cocky nature and ability to just silent his critics when it comes to UFC fights. When they stop by the UK I try to attend the events and learn more about the sport from a eyes on point of view. I also enjoy Football and Formula One as they just grip to me with excitement, they are tense sports and offer quite a spectacle sometimes.

Also, I'm a huge gamer like most of the community I enjoy my fair share of gaming, I do all kinds from PC to XBOX but Xbox is my main go to for gaming overall, I enjoy League of Legends as I also see some people also do and a whole load of different games from Resident Evil 7 to Halo.

Finally, not ashamed to say it but I'm a foster teenager, have been for quite sometime but overall it was the greatest decision of my life and worth all the time I've been with this current family. Also on a part time basis, I DJ in my local area as I'm above the age of 18 which allows me to attend clubs and do small gigs for weddings etc.. I've been DJing since primary school learning from various music teachers/higher students.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Clockwork: World War Three RP - 

I was part of an old community known as LemonPunch who solely just produced CW based Garry's Mod servers. This also included Half-Life 2 RP which I didn't play on. 

Firstly, I was an Admin on the server for 1 year and 6 months. I started out as a trial operator and earned my way up to Admin through event planning and consistent player assistance. I enjoyed my time there and that was the server I was hugely committed to which forced me away from here for a brief period of time. I spent hours and hours on that server as a player and staff member and was there into pretty much the end of that community. I started out not knowing much about how the admin CW commands worked but got used to it within a couple of days of repeating commands over and over.

VisionRoleplay: Star Wars RP -

This was an British based star wars server in which I staffed on for the summer of 2015.

I got to know the playerbase there and generally it was a great server for most of the time I was there with decent playercounts and staff. I worked my way from Mod all the way up to Senior Admin worked alongside the server director when I hit that higher rank. My main roles in the end were to man meetings once a week and also keep track of staff changes and changelogs for the server.

Icefuse Networks: Star Wars RP - 

This was my greatest experience due to the fact I got to know most of people here today. I started out there and got to know a small group of friends from the 327th, I was informed I'd do well as a staff member so I applied. I was on trial for one week and passed it. From there it was up hill making it all the way to Head-Admin working alongside Division leaders and the whole staff team. Being a Brit whilst being there was great due to the fact they had two teams for eastern players and western players. I resigned after burning out for sometime and needing a break. Also due to the fact that Synergy was forming and I'd not want to be there as a lone wolf.

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