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Name: Ranger

Who helped (If applicable): Boris, Lawrence, Aegis, Silvy

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Black Hand Kartel got a connect to the Ondoran base, a navy ensgin, they used this opurtunity to store product on base using a front sub-contractors buisness. Event was handled terribly on all ends, Game master, event jobs and playerbase

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


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Server Performance:

Edited by RangerDanger
  • Disagree 1

Prior: TC 1stLT Kano TC CPT Fives IC 1stLT Nye | GC Exarch Bultar Swan

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I fully understand there was miscommunication on both sides, however there are some glaring issues I had with this event.

Usage of EJs -

            The usage of a Naval EJ, instead of actually using Naval, is a bit disheartening. Specifically if they don't serve as an integral part of the story. I understand where you may want to make things easier to go "your way" as a GM, but replacing jobs with EJs doesn't feel good. Additionally, the blatant disregard of Navals duties and authorities on base, and taking an RP situation into OOC, was un-professional and unbecoming of a GM.

            As far as the utility of Magna Guards; I for one, can appreciate how sick they look. However, you cannot call meta-gaming when troopers suspicions are aroused because of their usage. Magna Guards were used nearly exclusively by the CIS, so for a REPUBLIC base to have its suspicions isn't meta-gaming. We were incredibly lenient in allowing you on base in the first place, which was only taken away when you began to disobey Republic orders openly.

Rule Breaking -

The breaking and bending of rules was abundant, and out of control. You had EJs spawning in perma-weapons, misusing the cloaking device, shooting whilst cloaked; the list goes on. As a GM it is your responsibility to keep your EJs in line, and I saw none of such thing. I have proof of these things, but I don't think it is disputed by any means. Disruptive EJs are a pain, I understand. However, what was shown in this event was far beyond such things, and bordered into intentional.

Behavior -

I understand at times things may of gotten heated, however keeping things in character is always important; specifically when acting as a EJ, it should never be ones first response to say in OOC "You cannot do that, I won't allow you too. You are ruining RP". It is always better to handle the matter in character. A simple fix to the situation regarding authority would be to say something like "The Senate contracted me for these supplies, I'll drop them off away from base for you to receive, but I'm getting payed."

I saw potential in this event, I think you have room to grow as a GM however.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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What was this. I just got killed by invisible people and jetpackers with perm weapons

It seemed like it had a slight bit of thought be it was poorly communicated.

I lagged abit in fights but nothing else

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