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Code Name Deepspace


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Name: Lawrence

Who helped (If applicable):splinter STEAM_0:236814962, tessa  STEAM_0:0:146613194, keo STEAM_0:98871144, eva  STEAM_0:69487975, boris  STEAM_0:145157473, 

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xN0VfZ7-6ROCQQqNK47JTIxTvn0TV_UmYQmULGdVPBs/edit?usp=sharing

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 501st, 104th, GM, 212th where sent to destroy the malevolence, get any info that they could and save Plo Koon.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

Edited by lawrence
  • Winner 2


501st/332nd Jet troopers!!!! CURRENT: Vaughn, GM, SA   HELD: TCC Appo, Hawk, HVYL, 501st CMD, SA, GM, 

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No rating because i was only here for like the beginning RP portion and first like 10 minutes of us assaulting the "ship".

First off loved us starting somewhere and going to a separate base for the beginning RP. One thing I want to bring up is map choice. Personally I think venator extensive is the best choice for this beginning RP portion. This kamino map is just too janky feeling and unless you have a reason for kamino felt out of place. I remember @Mavelle commenting on why the fuck we where on kamino, which i kind agree.

Secondly was the time it took from us to go from on kamino to actually assaulting the enemy ship was so long i became horrible disinterested. I just kinda afk'd in the stealth tube ship and played spiderman because we didn't really have anything to do. It was a big time sink for no payoff. Next time i'd tighten up the amount of time we're there and get us in the ship faster. You know its bad when the players start playing smash bro's meme stuff on the media player its bad.

thats all I got because I had to leave shortly after that, but you got good bones in your structure, fine tuning it will set you up for some great events.


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I had to leave about 20% the way through and only got to the point where we were on the ship while the dupe on blank_space was spawning in-

What you do have is structure. What you don't got, is polish! The briefing was extremely informal and felt like it was just something that happened- include a lot more flair, cinematics, and dramatics in your stuff- really pull us in. Furthermore, on your building, the ship used a bunch of plastic props when you totally could have used some of the halo forge ones- they're the same size and they look WAY better with materials on them. 

Work on getting things to flow together more, and remember to show us your passion when you're hosting the event! Don't just host the event, Present the event!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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3 / 3 / 4

The inital part with the RP on Kamino seemed extremely pointless, definitely could have used better planning. Unsure whether it was a lack of moving it along or a lack of players, though there were a good amount so I say it was missing a whole idea. Definitely question why we were on kamino in general, a goal for the passive rp should have been better defined.

The shooty shooty part of that event was, not the worst I have ever seen. No doubt in my mind that the rp between the EJs was fun, but it took an extremely long time to make up. A test run with everything would have been a better idea prior to the event, just needs more planning ahead of time of course. I can see the idea for the second part, but it did not pan out the way it was supposed to. Gameplay wise for the second part was fine, I didn't see much of a problem, classic shoot em up with a mass amount of droids. Wished there was some more rp, some sort of drama, or rather another challenge other than droids coming at you. Very good for a GM lacking nothing but experience, so good job.

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