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sA's/Cyprus'/Rys' Staff Application


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RP Name: Rys (Cyprus)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57706095

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): For all my life, I've always enjoyed helping the things I love in terms of administration and ensuring that everything runs smoothly by doing my part. I get a kick out of helping new players and answering any questions I can thrown at me. I enjoy Synergy Roleplay so thoroughly that I now would like to partake in its internal structure, so that I may keep it as great as it is and steam out any flaws it has, as minor as they might be.

I also enjoy - attempting to - bringing new and interesting ideas to the roleplay at large- to give the community something fun and hopefully new to do. In that way- I'd love to help attract many new players to our server and therefore enlarge the player pool for more experiences to be possible. I just believe that I can bring a lot to the server and staffing team.

(I'm so sorry if that was a painful read- I'm sort of bad at extending ideas from the few sentences I only need to more than that.)

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm just some dude in college going for a fine arts and Asian studies degree. I like to think I'm mature, approachable, respectful, and an adequate problem solver. I'm very active and I believe the community thinks kindly of me (if I'm wrong, I'm sorry!)

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes! A long while ago I was an administrator on some forgotten Team Fortress 2 server, however more recently, around a good many months ago to just around a year, I was an administrator on ShockCoreGaming's Half Life 2 City Roleplay. ( @Illium can vouch for me there- if she so chooses, or she can bash me too that's fine). Just before I came to Synergy, I was a two term moderator on Superior Servers' DarkRP servers.

I'd like to think that I did fairly well, if not overall great, with my roles in all of the communities mentioned above.

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ST CG Blaze trooper (forgot rank)

was pretty lit, you've been around for long enough to know your shit i'd hope

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