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RP Name: TR 2ndAC HTT 1SG Happy

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79533270



Timezone: JPT (japan)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin for 2 reasons, first I want to be more involed in the community and second is I think that I would do a good job at it. For the last two years of high school I have been in charge of my JROTC units Logistics Core. Which means that I have the responsibility and maturity that is need to get my job done. Due to the time zone that I live in (if my app is accepted) it will increase the number of admins on the earlier hours, reducing the possible number of minges and overall enjoyment of the other players. I also just want to help people. I want to make everyone's time more enjoyable on the sever, no one wants to join a server and think that it was a waste of time.         

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 17 and a junior in high school. I live in Japan because of my father who is in the Navy. I have been with this community since Ice Fuse (almost 7 months). I play on my high schools football team and am a member of its JROTC unit (Junior Reserve Officer Training Core).  

Edited by 212th Happy
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