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Epic battle


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7/10. it was fun but a pretty normal event as far as invasions went

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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3/10: This was extremely similar in format and how it played out to an event that happened only 3 hours ago. Aside from this, there were many things that could have better. The droids got placed directly on people at times, and there was little to no communication from the people running the event to the players, and I heard from one of the actors that they didn't get told what to do either for the most. The ships were getting moved when people were on top of them, and lag control was not really there: there were points where huge amounts of droids got put down making it difficult to even play.

Please work on communication and being careful with putting things down, and you will see results in how your events go. (Not to mention most people had no idea there even Death Watch on the base to begin with!)

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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