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Unkindled Castle Siege!


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Name: Unkindled

Helpers: Ryuji

Summary: A small clone force tried to attack a Umbaran Castle but failed, the commander returned with the battle plans and called reinforcements from Anaxes. The troops attacked and gained ground over the CIS forces that were on Umbara and captured an Umbaran General who planned on betraying Umbara and to fully work with the CIS. The General was interrogated then executed publicly. 


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10/10 Idk why I just loved it


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8/10. was fun

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12 minutes ago, Doorman said:

7/10 loved the bombardment, but it looked like you didn't want to actually damage people, because people who were just chilling in the open  was not getting hit.

the thing with this people either say it doesnt do enough or say it does too much damage. I had the damage on a solid 150 for direct hit which is around half health.

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