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Geonosian Rescue Mission


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Name: Omalic

Who helped (If applicable): Otter, Onyan, Enoch, Thorpy

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A scientist employed by the Admirality arrived on base to gather supplies and prepare for his expitition to Geonosis. After having done so he was captured by the local Geonosians who kept him prisoner in their main facility. The republic recieved the scientists distress call and ventured to rescue him from the bugs. They were able to do so succesfully and bring him back after a hard fought battle for the control of the planet

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


 Papa Kal

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7/10. I got an apology. Event was very shooty your standard solid event to cure boredom.

Edited by Mystik

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2 minutes ago, Mystik said:

5/10. Just shooting and small dialogue, i spent the last half of the event trying to board the LAAT while being flung across Geonosis by a GM

Hi. I don't quite understand what you ment in the end there, where you force thrown or? I was the GM and we didn't physgun anyone across the map unless some random staff did it?


 Papa Kal

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