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I need something to do...


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Honestly I'm getting kinda bored. Nothing new is happening to me at all. I'm capable of leading and all that but with the ranks on everything I have It's just getting kinda boring.

I know people will talk shit because of this but seriously, nothing is happening for me. I am a former Commander/XO of a battalion and I believe I done a decently good job. But my rank on the jobs I have sort of hold me back from becoming a leader again. I have great ideas for running things and everything but since BCMD has no terms I don't get to experience anything new. It's just holding me back I guess.

Now when I say I'm getting bored, means that I get nothing to do, I have basically no role. So, in all this I get really bored, getting told what to do rather than leading and showing others what to do. Like I have the experience to know who or what goes where during battles or anything of the sorts. 

So please, people, tell me what I can do when I get bored on the server. I need people to do things as I have little to nothing special to do.

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I feel you dude. Im a CSM and it doesnt give me shit to do compared to when I was wolffe, CMD of SC, etc.

People treat us like we are a side tool even though we can be much more than that as it has been shown before. I realize how petty it is to complain about it, but it sucks. No one likes it. It's a waste of potential leadership and what not

Edited by Jayarr
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4 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

I feel you dude. Im a CSM and it doesnt give me shit to do compared to when I was wolffe, CMD of SC, etc.

People treat us like we are a side tool even though we can be much more than that as it has been shown before. I realize how petty it is to complain about it, but it sucks. No one likes it. It's a waste of potential leadership and what not

Now you know how I have felt for the past month

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Join DU when it comes out.

however in the time being, join a battalion and work your way up again. This can be hard because you're so use to being a high rank, but you get more experience which is always good. Even with the no limit terms BCMDs aren't going to be in their position forever (except Egg), so once you work your way up again, apply for the position.

Edited by Dargon
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25 minutes ago, Dargon said:

Join DU when it comes out.

however in the time being, join a battalion and work your way up again. This can be hard because you're so use to being a high rank, but you get more experience which is always good. Even with the no limit terms BCMDs aren't going to be in their position forever (except Egg), so once you work your way up again, apply for the position.

I want to create a sub unit for it, but have no idea where to start.

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20 minutes ago, Rexko said:

I want to create a sub unit for it, but have no idea where to start.

Depends what you want the sub-Unit to do. 

Your incentive is great, but I don't think that's exactly what a starting battalion would need when it first opens.

Edited by Dargon
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58 minutes ago, Dargon said:

Depends what you want the sub-Unit to do. 

Your incentive is great, but I don't think that's exactly what a starting battalion would need when it first opens.


1 hour ago, Rexko said:

I want to create a sub unit for it, but have no idea where to start.

I mean there is no lore sub units for DU. But you can just make something simple like an elite DU task force. Troopers that specialist in aggressive defense more than just being defensive. Something along the lines of that. Whoever gets BCMD I'll help out with that.



Or if in doubt..... 


Edited by Fours
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11 minutes ago, Rexko said:

I want it to be a super elite squad that has that requires training with the RC and it has a certain number of slots like clan skirata 

I wouldn't personally like the idea. I'm one to believe that not every battalion is elite or should be. Require that they have special training and such, but they shouldn't be classified as elite. As well I'm in the believe it's a future idea and not one to happen when the battalion first comes out.

Edited by Dargon
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7 minutes ago, Dargon said:

I wouldn't personally like the idea. I'm one to believe that not every battalion is elite or should be. Require that they have special training and such, but they shouldn't be classified as elite. As well I'm in the believe it's a future idea and not one to happen when the battalion first comes out.

Especially since DU are elite defense as it is lol


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4 minutes ago, Dargon said:

I wouldn't personally like the idea. I'm one to believe that not every battalion is elite or should be. Require that they have special training and such, but they shouldn't be classified as elite. As well I'm in the believe it's a future idea and not one to happen when the battalion first comes out.

Honestly, a point defense squad sounds like a decent idea to me. Just a group that's very well trained in working with one another, Basically, 3 shield bearers, 3 attackers. Have them drilled on working in unison and cycling in tandem. When the shield bearers crouch or move, they fire to suppress. When they need to take ground they press forward behind the shield bearer. Then if they are flanked, they switch roles. However, that could just be an advanced point guard training session.

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