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First things first, Forum Admins you can do what you want with this, you can delete this, you can keep this and see where it goes. Two, this is not an excuse this is an explanation.

So, this could be a surprise about you, this could make complete sense to you. I am autistic, my case is asperger's syndrome. So mine isn't that serious and isn't that bad but its still there. Im not gonna give my whole speech about how it affects me and what it does. If you want to know I can explain it in a TS if you really want. But I feel like I am close to this community enough to tell you all this. And this isn't me asking for pity or to treat me differently again, this is an explanation of what I have done/say and what I will most likely do later on in the server. You can say what you want about this, you can call me names, you can do what you want with it.

Again Forum Admins you can delete this if you feel like this will go to shit, or what ever you want, the future will tell!



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My 23 y/o has the same condition and while there are very common symptoms it also has levels of difficulty with other aspects. That being said there is a level of professionalism and responsibility required if and when you are in an ADMIN, TR or other leadership/manager roles.

If you need assistance, feel frustrated or just lost, angry, confused, talk to someone before you lose your *$%#t in game and do something stupid.

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51 minutes ago, oxen96818 said:

My 23 y/o has the same condition and while there are very common symptoms it also has levels of difficulty with other aspects. That being said there is a level of professionalism and responsibility required if and when you are in an ADMIN, TR or other leadership/manager roles.

If you need assistance, feel frustrated or just lost, angry, confused, talk to someone before you lose your *$%#t in game and do something stupid.

This is a person we need more on this server. Because theres been times where I have needed help with stuff and people don't understand me so they make fun of it xDDDD

So having someone like you is nice!

But ya thats why at points I just need a break from training and stuff because I just get mad and I get a headache so I just take my break and play the game. (sounds weird but meh)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand what it is like mate, no one will look different on you just because you have Autism, it's what makes you, you.

Keep thinking positively mate, and don;t ever doubt yourself. 

I know what it's like, I have it to.

image (1).jpg

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