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[ACCEPTED] Zin's ReApplication


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RP Name: Zin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:493393059

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 14 

Timezone: EST

What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin (allowed to reapply to this rank by Fyi)

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?: I used to be a SA then was removed due to inactivity. I was removed due to the fact of loads of school work and just needing time off to focus on life. I previously reapplied again (got NA due to a weird reason) and ended up moving (I lefted/was removed) I sent in an LOA and informed Head Admins of this. I'm back and have moved to my new home. I now have the time to play Garry's Mod and help out the server.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to rejoin the staff team for quite a few reasons. One of them is, I enjoy being able to help out. I love the aspect of helping people. I have always been a great staff member and have helped out many members of the synergy community. Now some people may want to -1 my application due to me being inactive but I have moved to my new house and have the time to help out. I always like helping out and would have fun being apart of the GM team. Hosting events to me is fun and it makes the server have fun too. I see the reason of playing video games to relax and have fun with your friends and different people. By me becoming staff and a GM I will be able to brighten peoples days and give fun to the entire server. Another reason is being able to keep the server fun for all. This includes keeping minges and trolls away from the server. These are my reasons I would like to rejoin the staff team.

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): My previous time as staff went really well. People liked me as staff and saw me as a kind person. I was always willing to take time out of my day to talk and have conversations with me. I never broke rules and was a good staff member. I feel that apart from a few obstacles that came in my way. I was a good staff member and always helped out. 

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, you are aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you down to the rank of Admin): Yes

(Fyi allowed this reapplication)

Former: Warrant Officer Appo | Jedi Commander Barriss Offee | 212th SGT Zin Senior Administrator


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+1best of luck

  • Friendly 1

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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