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Jedi Battlelord is an error


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Bug Type (Server): Missing model (Clone Wars)

Severity Level (1-3) : 1

Evidence (if you can) : Image

Description of bug: Maskedbattlelord model is an error and doesn't work.

How can we recreate it : set yourself to the Maskedbattlelord on the Jedi model list.

I did find a way to fix this issue but im not a true gamer so i could be 100% wrong

There are two different battlelords on the server :

models/jedi/maskedbattlelord/maskedbattlelord.mdl <- Broken model

models/omo/maskedbattlelord/maskedbattlelord.mdl <- Working model

both models are the same, but one is an error for everyone and the other isn't. I was made aware of an issue with the battlelord model that the bones made the model unusable because it made it so you couldn't be hit or do any damage. I have testing the models/omo model and have not had any issues with it.

:NekoDance: You are my little pogchamp:NekoDance:

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  • 2 months later...

For anyone who may see this in the future, just ensure you are subscribed to the right content packs.

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This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable.



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